Allergic reactions are the immune system’s response to perceived invaders in the body such as mold, dust, or certain food. A food allergy is an allergic reaction to certain food such as milk, shellfish, nuts, chocolate, or soy, or food additives, such as preservatives and colorings. An allergic reaction can range anywhere from mild to severe and include skin rash, headache, hives, stuffy or runny nose, gastrointestinal upset, or shortness of breath. Certain people develop life-threatening allergic reaction called anaphylaxis in which there is a difficult breathing, rapid swelling of the throat or tongue, and a sudden drop in blood pressure, also the person may become unconscious. To deal effectively with food allergies a person must eliminate the offending food, but may find natural remedies helpful in reducing the severity of symptoms when the food is accidentally consumed. Generally, skin allergies fall into three categories: eczema, urticaria and contact dermatitis. Triggers and irritants include house dust, animal fur, pollen, synthetic fabrics such as elastic and latex; fragrance and household cleaners. Emotional states such as anxiety and stress can also be the cause. Contact dermatitis can affect anyone where the skin reacts to particular substance.
Allergies Causes
Airborne allergies:
- Dust mites- Commonly due house dusts
- Pollen: Allergies often called hay fever
- Pet- Due to animal saliva & dander
- Molds- Indoor & outdoor fungi
Food Allergens:
- Peanuts & other tree nuts such as almonds, walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, and cashews
- Eggs
- Fish & shellfish
- Wheat
- Cow’s milk
- Soy
- Pollens from grass weeds
- Poison ivy
- Poison oak
- Insect bite- Honeybees, hornets, wasps, fire ants, yellowjackets
- Chemicals- Laundry detergents, cleaners, dyes, few cosmetics, pesticides
- Medicines- Commonly penicillin and sulfa drugs
- Latex- Often in latex gloves, condoms
- Metal- Commonly nickel
Allergies Symptoms
- Itching and red or pink rash.
- Contact dermatitis: Patches of rough, flaky red skin after contact with an allergen.
- Atopic eczema: Patches of dry, scaly red skin on the face and in the skin folds.
- Urticaria: Itchy red patches with white heads resembling nettle stings.
- Headache, dizziness and a general feeling of being unwell.
Home Remedies for Allergies
- Build up immunity: First try to identify the source. Second, once the sources are discovered, they should be avoided. Third, and most important, general health and resistance should be built up to establish immunity to them.
- Castor oil:Use of five drops of castor oil in a little juice or water taken on an empty stomach in the morning , is highly beneficial for allergies in the intestinal tract, skin and nasal passages.
- Seeds of cumin, fennel and sesame: Take equal quantity of cumin seeds, fennel seeds and white sesame seeds (25 gram each) and dry-roast each seeds separately. Mix the roasted seeds and 1/2 teaspoon rock salt. Store in a glass jar. Chew a handful of this mixture after eating any food which will aid digestion and help to prevent any kind of food allergy.
- Bananas: One or two bananas a day are useful. The fruit sometime cause allergic reactions in certain sensitive persons and they should avoid it.
- Carrot juice: A quantity of 500ml carrot juice has been found beneficial in the treatment of allergies. A combination of carrot juice(300ml) with beet and cucumber juices(100ml) each is also beneficial.
- Lime: Squeeze half a lime in a glass of lukewarm water, add one teaspoon of honey. Take daily first thing in the morning for several months. This remedy not only flushes out the toxins but also acts as an anti allergic agent.
- Licorice powder: Make licorice tea made from 1/2 teaspoon licorice root powder and 1 teaspoon ghee. Add 1/2 teaspoon honey only after the tea starts to cool and drink this tea. (Note: People with high blood pressure should not drink licorice tea)
- Oats: Add a cup of oat to bathwater which can effectively soothe the redness of a skin allergy and calm the itchiness.
Do’s for Allergies
- Strengthen your immune system and eat food that has gentle property. Try juicing the green vegetables for a daily drink to raise immunity and flush out toxins from the body.
- Keep to organic, untreated, unprocessed foods as far as possible so to eliminate pesticides and various sprays.
- Take diet rich in vitamin B and E as it possesses effective anti-allergic properties. Eat one or two banana daily if you are not sensitive to banana.
- Read food labels carefully to avoid an ingredient you’re allergic to.
- Drink 6-8 glasses of pure water daily.
- Drink green tea as it has gentle cleansing effect.
- If the allergen is airborne, clean living and working spaces frequently.
- Wear a face mask when doing chores.
- Get rid of dust, molds, and mildew. Use a HEPA filter to reduce exposure to allergen triggers such as mold and dust. Place filter where you spend more time such as bedroom.
- Manage stress. Try deep breathing and relaxation exercise.
- Exercise regularly to help circulate toxins out of the body.
Don’ts for Allergies
- Avoid allergen triggering food which may include eggs, strawberries, berries, peanuts, nuts, chocolates, cheese, tomatoes, soy products, seafood and anything that is fatty or spicy.
- Avoid mucus forming foods, such as dairy products, processed sugar, and items made from white flour.
- Avoid foods that decrease immunity such as hydrogenated oils and trans fats.
- Avoid tea, coffee, alcohol, cola drinks, and chocolates.
- Stop smoking, if you smoke. Smoking exacerbates allergic reactions.
- Avoid foods containing any food additives, such as preservatives and colorings.
See Doctor
- [See Doctor immediately] Develop breathing difficulties, swelling of lips and tongue, and a rash within a few minutes of eating a suspect food.
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