Abscesses are pus- filled lumps that form when a follicle, pore, or gland becomes infected. Although they usually occur on the skin, they can occur anywhere on the body and occasionally affect internal organs. Abscesses usually either burst or drained by doctor under local or general anesthesia. Sometime it can clear up their own accord without draining. Depending on the size and severity of the abscess, it may or may not need to seek medical help. Antibiotics may be needed to make sure the infection does not spread. It can be dangerous if an abscess release pus and bacteria into the bloodstream causing septicemia that means blood poisoning. Abscesses can occur not only on skin but also in areas such as, tooth, tonsils, lungs, liver, or digestive system. People more prone to skin abscesses indicate lower resistance to infection.
Abscesses are generally larger and deeper than boils with redness and painful swelling over an area filled with pus whereas boils are superficial infections with a thin layer of skin over fluid.
Abscess Causes
- Mostly due to bacteria Staphylococcus aureus which can enter the body through a cut, abrasion, puncture, or even an insect bite
- Infection in a hair follicle (Folliculitis)
Factors contributing to increase the risk are diabetes, weakened immune system, poor hygiene.
Abscess Symptoms
- Red painful swelling filled with pus
- Raised local temperature
- Sense of discomfort
- Build-up pressure in the affected area
- Feeling generally unwell
- Fever and sweating
- Swollen and tender glands
Home Remedies for Skin Abscess
- Compress: Soak a wash cloth or gauze in one cup of hot water and 2 tablespoon of Epsom salt. Apply this compress three times a day for 10 to 15 minutes to help relieve the infection.
- Tea tree: Apply tea tree oil in diluted form three times a day. Add 10 drops of oil in 1/2 oz of water to make it in a diluted form. Tea tree oil is an effective antibacterial and antifungal.
- Peppermint essential oil: Apply this oil directly to the abscess. It has a antibacterial and antiseptic properties.
- Garlic: Apply crushed garlic to the abscess as a poultice. Garlic has antibacterial properties.
- Calendula(Marigold): Steep calendula flowers in hot water for 15 minutes. Soak a clean cloth in this solution and apply it to the affected area as a cold compress. Calendula has anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties.
- Goldenseal: Take 500mg in capsule form three times a day. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and immune-enhancing properties.
- Burdock root: Take 500mg in capsule form three times a day. Burdock root is a great skin detoxifier.
- Vitamin C: Take 1000mg of vitamin C with bioflavonoids to support immune system and also reduce skin inflammation.
- Zinc: Take zinc supplement to support skin function and immune system.
Do’s for Abscess
- To reduce inflammation and eliminate impurities three day juice fast is recommended. Drink green vegetables or carrots juice primarily. Also, celery and cucumbers are good because of their high water content.
- Eating a diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals can help your immune system work properly and fight off infection.
- Eat plenty of multicolored vegetables to obtain the nutrients and phytochemicals needed to strengthen the immune system.
- Add herbs and spices such as ginger and garlic while cooking to enhance immunity.
- Encourage people in the family to wash their hands regularly and use separate towels.
- Wait until skin abscess is fully healed before using any communal equipment, such as gym equipment, saunas or swimming pools.
Don’ts for Abscess
- Do not squeeze the pus out of the abscess yourself, because this can easily spread the bacteria to other areas of skin.
- Do not smoke. If you smoke, giving up is one of the best things you can do to improve your general health.
See Doctor
- See doctor, if you think you have an abscess. There are several tests used to diagnose an abscess, depending on where it’s located.
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