Chicken pox is a highly contagious viral disease mostly affects children’s, which cause intensely itchy, fluid-filled blisters that burst and form crusts. Child may generally feel unwell, with mild fever and a headache, just before the rash develops and for the first few days afterward. The symptoms appear 1-3 weeks after contact with the infection, and mostly recover within 7-10 days later. Once had a chicken pox it generally immune for life. When chickenpox does occur, treatment is generally to relieve symptoms until the virus has run its course.
Chicken Pox Symptoms
- Pain, burning, numbness or tingling which usually affect only a small section of one side of your body.
- Raised temperature .
- Headache, sore throat, and general malaise.
- Loss of appetite.
- A red rash that begins a few days after the pain.
- Fluid-filled blisters that break open and crust over.
- Itching.
Home Remedies for Chicken Pox
- Baking soda: Add 2 tablespoons of baking soda to a bath water to reduce itching. OR Add some baking soda to a glass of water and sponge the affected area with the liquid. The soda will dry on the skin to keep the patient from scratching the lesions. Baking soda is a popular remedy to control itchiness caused due to chickenpox.
- Oatmeal: A bath of oatmeal is a natural remedy for relieving the itchiness due to chicken pox. Add approximately 1 cup of finely ground oatmeal to warm water. Soak in the tub to allow the oatmeal to lightly coat the skin and relieve itchiness and irritation. You can also apply lotion containing oats.
- Neem: Lukewarm water baths with neem leaves will help to relieve the itching. Soak 2 cups of neem leaves in a tub of warm water for 30 minutes. Soak in the tub for 20 minutes to relieve itchiness. Neem has antiviral properties and hence combats the varicella zoster virus.
- Sandalwood: Apply sandalwood oil from the first day of appearance of rash till the scabs start to fall off to help reduce scarring.
- Honey: The skin should be smeared with honey for fast recovery.
- Chamomile: Sip on a tea made from mildly sedative herbs such as chamomile, marigold, or lemon balm several times a day to relieve the distress caused by itchiness.
- Calendula: Apply a diluted tincture of calendula on the affected area with cottonwool pad to reduce the extreme itchiness and irritation caused by chickenpox. For prolonged soothing effect, apply calendula cream following tincture.
- Carrot and coriander: Drink the soup made up of carrot and coriander that helps speed up the healing process due to its high antioxidant properties. Cut 100 g of carrots and 60 g of fresh coriander into small pieces and boil. Eat this soup once a day.
- Vitamin E: Take 400 IU of vitamin E once in a day to promote healing and to provide powerful antioxidant. Also applying vitamin E to the skin is beneficial to fade the marks more quickly.
Do’s for Chicken Pox
- Take plenty of raw fruits and vegetable juice, especially lemon juice due to its high vitamin C level which helps stimulate the immune system and helps for tissue healing.
- Eat light, fresh food such as spinach, celery, turnips, mung beans.
- Drink plenty of fluids to keep the body hydrated.
- Drink green tea due to its gentle cleansing effect.
- Patient should be kept in well-ventilated room.
- Lukewarm water baths must be given every day to relieve itching. Sponge with tepid water if the fever is high.
- Wear light, loose, non itchy cloths. Avoid wool.
- Cut child’s nails short to reduce damage from scratching.
- Wear cotton gloves at night to prevent scratching during sleep.
Don’ts for Chicken Pox
- Don’t scratch the blister which causes severe infection and scars.
- Avoid ginger, chilies, mustard greens, mutton as they increase heat in the body and are irritating which makes the condition worse.
- Avoid spicy and fatty food.
- Avoid all dairy products until the skin lesions has resolved due to major allergen and which may worsen the symptoms.
- Keep away pregnant women from infectious person.
See Doctor
- Pus filled spots or blisters near the eyes.
- Headache or earache, breathing problem, drowsiness, or convulsions.
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Apply Aloe Vera gel which soothes itching on the skin and also promotes healing of the blisters.
Is it transferable?
yes, it is.
How to fill up holes in face after chicken pox pls help me it looks so odd.
My daughter is beggining to show signs of chickepox, she has fever can i still give her a bath.?