Most people have occasional low moods, but in depression they become persist for months or years. Feeling tearful and low, particularly in the morning; lack of energy and confidence; find it hard to concentrate or make decisions; sleep problems, loss of sex drive; changes in appetite; frequent crying spells; and suicidal thoughts are the symptoms of depression. Depression is often a reaction to a life event such as bereavement, or it may have no obvious cause. Some women have depression after childbirth and lack of sunlight in winter makes some people feel sad. Antidepressant drugs are commonly prescribed for depression but carry with them many side effects. Natural remedies can improve mood and eventually restore a balanced feeling of well-being.
Depression Symptoms
- Feelings of sadness or unhappiness.
- Feeling irritable or impatient and getting no pleasure out of life.
- Restlessness, agitation or memory loss.
- Sleeping problems such as insomnia or excessive sleeping.
- Excessive smoking and drinking alcohol.
- Change in appetite such as decreased appetite and weight loss but in some people it causes increased cravings for food and weight gain.
- Fatigue, tiredness and loss of energy. Even small tasks may seem to require a lot of effort.
- Loss of libido.
- Feelings of worthlessness or guilt, fixating on past failures or blaming yourself when things aren’t going right.
- Cutting yourself off from others emotionally or low self-esteem.
- Thinking about suicide.
Home Remedies for Depression
- Fasting: Try to fast for 2 to 3 days on apple juice. This will act as a very effective nerve tonic and recharge the nerves with new energy and life. Researchers have found that therapeutic fasting alleviates depression symptoms and improves anxiety scores. The mechanism behind this is not known but it might be linked to the release of endorphins in the first 48 hours of fasting.
- Massage: Rub some coconut oil or sunflower oil on scalp and soles of your feet at bedtime. Massage can help to calm your mind, and improve mood. Massage also increases serotonin and dopamine, neurotransmitters that help reduce depression.
- Nasal drops: Nasal drops of warm sesame oil or brahmi ghee (2 to 3 drops in each nostril) is effective for relieving depression.
- Ginger: Drink ginger tea (1/2 to 1 teaspoon of ginger powder steeped in hot water) twice a day. Ginger is rich in two groups of antioxidants, shaogals and gingerols, that safeguard the brain from damaging free radicals and also increases levels of brain chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin. Dopamine is considered as “motivation molecule” that helps to be focused and productive. Serotonin is “happiness molecule” that is critical for keeping up a positive mood.
- Asparagus: Take one or two grams of the dry root powder of asparagus plant daily. Depression has been linked to low levels of folic acid, and vegetable that boosts this mood-enhancing nutrient is asparagus.
Do’s for Depression
- Eat a balanced diet. Include plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits to keep bowel movements regular.
- Include food that help you sleep and has calming effects, such as chamomile tea, rice porridge, pears, oranges.
- Eat a diet rich in protein and low in processed food.
- Consume fish such as salmon, mackerel for their high content of essential fatty acids. Or consume 1 tablespoon of flaxseed everyday for the same reason.
- Exercise regularly, try aerobic, running, jogging, or cycling. Exercise can be the most powerful antidepressant available. Exercise increases the levels of endorphins in the body, which are directly correlated with mood.
- Try practicing deep breathing exercises and muscle relaxation methods.
- If have occasional sad or negative thoughts, distract yourself by listening to the radio or watching TV, which require little concentration.
- Try to spend more time relating to people; it will help lift the depression and also think positive.
- Tackle only one problem at a time; if necessary, break it down into smaller, achievable goals and work through them.
- Get sufficient sleep.
- Do meditation.
Don’ts for Depression
- Avoid tea, coffee, alcohol, chocolate, colas, all white flour products, sugar, food colorings, chemical additives, and strong condiments.
- Avoid simple, processed carbohydrates, hydrogenated oils, and saturated fats, which increase fatigue and sluggishness and contribute to depression.
- Try to avoid extra stress. If possible, postpone or delegate important decisions.
- Avoid antidepressant drugs and other prescription drugs (if possible).
- Avoid alcohol, which is known as depressant.
- Don’t bottle up worries. Share your feelings and emotions with close relatives or friends. Talking about problems is not a sign of weakness.
See Doctor
- Having suicidal thoughts.
- Depression is becoming more severe or lasts longer than two weeks.
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What do you do if your family members verbally and mentally abuse a person in their mid fifties that has been diagnosed with severe depression.
Can’t seem to get a drug or remedy
Mood, anger, no patients, no energy, no sex life, no libido,
Can you help.. My doctor has been trying for six years
Thanks maxx Robillard
With alot of faith pray for a miracle & walk at the same time. Definitely do not throw in the towel,God doesn’t like that & you won’t get blessed financially if you do: hospital bills. I’m doing so much better since I’ve committed myself to live until my natural death.
If they don’t get rid of the negative people in their environment they can’t live a positive life.
How do I let go of what I always have put so much faith in? My family! Its took me 30 years to realize its my mom and sister that brings me down and has made me feel like the outcast my whole life. My mom is 79 now, I know our time is limited, what do I do????
I know exactly where you’re coming from have the same problem with my sister and other family and nothing ever helped but completely cutting them out of my life! Once you do that it’s best not to even know what is going on in their lives stay away from social media that may happened to show what they’re up to or what they’re talking about Facebook for example. The old saying what you don’t know won’t hurt you is so so very true! I had to move out of state to even have my sanity back and yes I still have pain because I do miss these family members but I do not miss the torture and pain that they verbally put on me. It’s the hardest thing in the world to do good in your family out of your life but sometimes that’s the only thing you can do to have any peace and happiness! It got so terribly bad that I actually attempted suicide 5 times because of my sister. So I do know what I’m talking about. Good luck to you may God help you through.
I had the same symptoms you have. I had debilitating adrenal fatigue and would sleep 30+ hours. . I also suffered from insomnia. . It would get so bad I’d have to go to the hospital because of sleep deprivation. My anger was out of control. I had absolutely no patience for anything! I’m also dealing with ulcerative colitis, fibromialgia, migraine headaches, Raynaud’s Phenomenon, depression, REM sleep disorder (nightmares and very stressful dreams that I act out by talking, yelling, flailing around and crying ) chronic back pain from compression fractures at T10 and T11 and chronic pain from central canal spinal Stenosis in the area of C3-4 and C4-5. I take 450mgs of wellbutrin for depression, 60mgs Cymbalta for depression and pain. Neurontin 600mgs for pain. I take 150mgs Seroquel for sleep and 5mgs klonopin for the Rem sleep disorder and what I would call the magic pill that changed everything for me, Dexedrine ER which enables me to get out of bed and actually participate in my life. I now have the energy to get up and take a shower, put on make up and walk my dogs. I can also cook for the paleo diet I’m now on. . Cutting out all the additives, preservatives and chemicals that are in processed food that so many of us eat every day has not only helped me with weight loss but also with mood and digestion. I was just existing for about 6 years until my neurologist helped me with sleeping and waking up. He’s a saint! I hope this helps you. Good luck to you!
Hi everyone I just have so much drama in my life I am 36 and all my life my family have boss me around and now I am a father and I so scare in not being a good father my mom hate my girlfriend and my girlfriend hates my family we have a four year old daughter and I moved from California to Honduras and I just to get my family back to the state because I fee like I going to die and I won’t be able to take my little girl to Disneyland I so scare in die in and not be able to take my little girl to the states