Earwax is one of the natural secretions of the body that protects the eardrum from dust, and it also keeps the ear canal lubricated. But if too much wax is produced, it can build up, become hard and dry, and block ear canal. Using a cotton swab to clean the ears can cause wax to become impacted and contribute to blockages. A buildup of wax can cause hearing loss, discomfort, and a feeling of fullness in the ear, so it has to be periodically removed.
Earwax Symptoms
- Earache.
- Hearing impairment.
- Feeling of fullness in the affected ear.
- Accumulation of dark brown wax.
- Ear noise (tinnitus).
Home Remedies for Earwax
Do not try below remedies if you have severe pain or have ruptured eardrum.
- Olive oil: Put 2-3 drops of warmed olive oil into the ear canal. Wait 10 minutes for them to be absorbed, and then wipe off any excess oil. Repeat the process 3 times a day for 5 days. This will lubricate the ear passage and soften the wax for easy removal. Do not try this remedy, if you have ruptured eardrum.
- Sesame oil: Instill sesame oil drops in the ear three times a day for three days to soften loosen ear wax. Take the wax out after it becomes soft and loose.
- Baby oil: Use baby oil to soften ear wax if it refuses to budge. Warm up the oil to body temperature and place a few drops into the ear twice a day. It will melt or soften the wax and you can then irrigate.
- Hydrogen peroxide: Put a few drops of mild hydrogen peroxide solution (about a 3 percent solution) to dissolve the wax and then flush it away with water.
- Garlic & Olive oil: Combine garlic oil and olive oil and instill 2-3 drops in the affected ear canal before bedtime. Cover the ear with warm, moist towel for further penetration. This will soften the ear wax making it easier to remove. Repeat 2-3 nights in a row for maximum effect.
Do’s for Earwax
- Try ear drops containing a wax solvent.
- Dry the inside of your ear with a hair dryer set on low after showering or shampooing your hair.
- Take diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids such as mackerel, salmon, flaxseeds. The presence of excessive ear wax is considered a sign of essential fatty acid deficiency.
Donβts for Earwax
- Do not use cotton swabs, bobby pins, or other objects to clean the ear.
- Do not squirt anything in ear if you have any kind of eardrum damage.
- Do not try to remove earwax if you have ear pain or a discharge that looks different than earwax, if you suspect a ruptured eardrum, if you have had ear surgery, or if you have tubes in your ears.
See Doctor
- Ear still feels as if it is blocked after trying self-help measures.
- Develop an earache or a pus discharge from the ear.
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Is it a good idea to remove all of the earwax in both ears to keep them healthy?
Both of my ear drums are busted. Both ears are full of wax !!!HELP PLEASE?