Hair loss is a subtle metabolic disorder. It may be due to disease like typhoid, diabetes, fungal infection on the scalp, or hormonal imbalance. And there is a hereditary factor also, in which genes appear to trigger hair loss at a certain age. A deficiency of calcium, magnesium, and zinc may affect the nourishment of the hair. Pregnancy also affects hair growth. Many women experience extensive hair loss after childbirth, but hair does eventually return to normal thickness. Chemotherapy treatment for cancer can also cause severe hair loss.
Hair Loss Symptoms
- Sudden loss of hair resulting in patches of baldness.
- Receding hairline.
- Falling hairs while combing.
Home Remedies for Hair Loss
- Aloe Vera: Apply aloe vera gel or sap from the plant on scalp. Wear a shower cap and let it be on your scalp for 3-4 hrs and then rinse it off with plenty of water and mild shampoo. Do it twice a week. It contains proteolytic enzymes that rejuvenate hair follicles. Aloe is believed to be a good conditioner that gives shine and luster to your hair leaving it smooth and soft. Chemically, aloe vera resembles keratin (hair protein) and it nourishes the hair improving its tensile strength.
- Hibiscus: Massage your scalp with hibiscus oil. Oil extracted from the leaves and flowers of this plant is traditionally believed to be beneficial in promoting hair growth by rejuvenating the scalp and hair tissue. Hibiscus possesses moisturizing properties that helps restore luster and shine. It is also believed to help retain the natural color of your hair.
- Fenugreek: Soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Grind fenugreek seeds in the morning and apply the paste on the hair. Leave for at least 40 minutes before washing. Do it every morning for a month. Fenugreek is a rich source of protein that supplies essential nutrients to the hair follicles.
- Licorice Root: Mix powdered licorice root with water and apply on scalp. Wear shower cap, leave it for 3-4 hours and then rinse it off with plenty of water and mild shampoo. Licorice root is traditionally believed to be a panacea for various health conditions. It particularly benefits male baldness and its nutrient properties nourish the scalp, strengthen the hair shafts, reduce dandruff and promote hair growth.
- Sesame seeds: Eat a handful of sesame seeds every morning. Soak one tablespoon black sesame seeds overnight, drain the water and eat next morning. Along with nourishing the scalp and stimulating hair growth, black sesame seeds can promote melanocyte activity to produce melanin β the pigment responsible for hair color.
- Lettuce and spinach: Apply mixture of lettuce and spinach juice regularly to prevent hair loss due to vitamin deficiency. Also drink juice of lettuce or carrots.
- Heena: Boil one cup mustard oil with four tablespoon heena (mehendi) leaves. Filter it and keep it in a bottle. Massage on bald patches regularly. Henna can make your hair strong and nourish it from roots for a silky and shiny hair, whereas mustard oil encourages blood circulation in the scalp.
- Tobacco smoke: Grind remains of tobacco smoked (from hookah) and add to boiling mustard oil. Cool and store, and massage on bald patches regularly.
- Lime and black pepper: Apply paste made from the seeds of lime and black pepper in water to areas experiencing patchy hair loss, this may cause skin irritation for some people. This paste stimulates hair growth by increasing blood circulation to the affected area.
- Rosemary oil: Add small amount of rosemary oil to hair lotions to prevent premature male baldness, possibly by helping to stimulate hair growth activity.
Do’s for Hair Loss
- Include plenty of protein and iron in your diet and also take mineral supplements like calcium, magnesium, and zinc.
- Include milk, yogurt, soya beans and cheese in your diet.
- Eat plenty of green, leafy vegetables as they will provide a base of nutrients required for healthy hair.
- Eat foods high in biotin that is essential for healthy hair growth, such as nuts, brewer’s yeast, brown rice, and oats.
- Take high-quality, high-potency multivitamin for 2-3 months which will provide a base for hair growth development.
- After hair wash, rub the scalp vigorously with your finger tips until it tingles to activate the sebaceous glands.
- Dry your hair naturally if possible, rather using hair dryer.
- Do meditation or deep breathing exercises for reducing stress and tension.
Donβts for Hair Loss
- Donβt pull on your hair with a brush or comb when it is wet.
- Avoid using hair dyes and treatment to perm or straighten your hair.
- Donβt wear your hair in a style that pulls on your scalp.
- Avoid hot spicy food, such as chilli pepper, garlic, beef, and lamb.
See Doctor
- Losing your hair rapidly or in patches.
- Hair loss due to medication or an illness.
Hair Loss FAQ
- What are the hair loss treatments available?
- How to find unhealthy or damaged hairs?
- How to regrow hair naturally?
- Is it safe and good to use mehndi (Heena) for hair color?
- how to remove baldness with effective home remedies in a month?
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I have bald head
i have been do straightnr hair age 15 stil now my hair droping alot …before tht i dun have hair droping …pls help me
Problem may also be caused if something is wrong with the thyroid gland, or the 5th (throat) chakra is blocked. I once had hair so thick that a comb or brush could not pass through. One day after showering I saw the towel I dried with was covered in hair – 2 hands full. This went on for so long I feared there would be none left. Turns out there was a “nodule” on my thyroid gland. It was a tumor, very tiny, but the surgeon removed the whole gland. I now must take a pill every day forever, but my hair has grown back. Try to have a doctor check out your thyroid. Also evaluate your daily surroundings to make sure you are not being exposed to toxins or heavy metals such as mercury. Good luck and be well.
In forehead i loss hair
I had brain surgery and I lost a lot of hair from radiation for 6 months . what’s the best remedies for hair loss?
hairs are most important for a person because people loose there confidence due to hairfall, to re gain hair people should use natural products than chemical based shampoos, Jain cow urine therapy in indore is one of the best for hair treatment they can help you grow them back.