Hemorrhoids are swollen veins that develop in or around the anus. Excessive pressure on the veins in the pelvic and rectal area causes hemorrhoids. They mainly affect people who are constipated, frequently strain when having a bowel movement, or have repeated episodes of diarrhea. The common symptoms of hemorrhoids are pain while opening your bowels and it may feel as if they have not emptied completely, bright red blood on toilet paper or in the toilet bowl, skin around anus may be itchy and irritated. Sitting down may be uncomfortable. Hemorrhoids can also protrude outside the anus and form a painful swelling. This condition is common in overweight people and in pregnancy. Natural remedies can relieve pain and reduce inflammation as well as improve the ease of bowel movements.
Hemorrhoid Symptoms
- Itchiness or irritation in the anal area
- Pain and discomfort
- A lump may be felt in the anus
- Sensation that bowel has not emptied completely
- Occasionally, painless anal bleeding after bowel movement
Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids
- Treat constipation to avoid triggering or aggravating hemorrhoids. Small hemorrhoids often subside once the constipation is relieved.
- Warm milk: Drink a cup of warm milk with 1 teaspoon plain ghee at bedtime or
- Psyllium husk: Take 1 teaspoon psyllium husk (isabgol husk) at night in 1 cup of warm water. This laxative will keep the stools soft and avoid pressure on the rectal blood vessels.
- Aloe vera: Drink 1/2 cup of pure aloe vera juice 3 times a day.
- Carrot and cilantro: Drink 1 cup of carrot juice mixed with 2 teaspoons of cilantro juice twice a day on an empty stomach for relief of hemorrhoids.
- Aloe vera and ginger: Add a pinch of ginger to 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel and take twice a day.
- Figs: Soak 2 to 3 figs overnight in water. Take these figs early morning along with the water in which they are soaked. This treatment should be continued for 3 to 4 weeks.
- Radish and honey: Take 10gm of grated radish mixed with a teaspoon of honey twice daily. Radish is considered highly valuable in piles.
- Turmeric and ghee: Mix 1/2 teaspoon turmeric and 1 teaspoon ghee(clarified butter) and apply directly to hemorrhoids at bedtime.
- Cranberry or pomegranate: For bleeding piles, drink 1 cup of cranberry juice or pomegranate juice twice a day. These fruits are hemostatics (they stop bleeding) and will be helpful.
Do’s for Hemorrhoids
- Wash the anal area with warm water instead of using toilet paper, and then apply some castor oil to hemorrhoid.
- Go to bathroom when urge. Donβt strain or hold breath when having bowel movement, and donβt rush.
- If possible, sit in shallow, warm water for about 15 minutes, 2 times a day.
- Eat more fiber rich foods, fresh vegetables and fruits.
- Drink eight to ten glasses of pure water daily.
- Exercise regularly for 20-30 minutes.
Donβts for Hemorrhoids
- Donβt strain or hold breath while passing stool.
- Avoid prolonged sitting or standing. Take frequent short walks.
- Avoid lifting heavy objects.
- Avoid foods and beverages that seem to make your symptoms worse.
These may include nuts, spicy foods, fermented foods, coffee, and alcohol.
See Doctor
- A lump or bulge that is not tender.
- Pain or swelling is severe.
- Moderate rectal pain, bleeding, or irritation lasts longer than 1 week after home treatment.
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I have had surgery 18years ago and was told that it would be better for me and still to this day I get them when ever I have my monthly cycle PMS
I have had stapled surgery 1 month ago but the problem is I am going for motion 6 to 8 times a day and in anus area pain and burning sensation continue.