In the fight against obesity and the weight loss campaign, a lot of focus has been placed on calories. Granted, calories are the main culprits because when in excess, your body stores them as fat. …
How to Gain Healthy Weight Fast
There is a misconception that a lean body signifies good heath. This is not entirely true. Many people may be underweight due to heath related issues, or malnutrition. Underweight people may suffer …
Best Vegan Protein Sources
Proteins are the building blocks of life. They break down to form amino acids that promote the cell growth and repair. Proteins take longer to digest that makes you feel full for longer, on fewer …
Proven Health Benefits of Quinoa
Are you one of those people looking to add more of the healthy whole grains to your diet? If yes, then quinoa is an easy-to-prepare and nutritious whole grain to start with. It is a good food not just …