Simple fatigue is usually a result of lifestyle factors that stress the body, such as a lack of sufficient sleep, lack of proper nutrition, strenuous physical activity, a bit depression, or bereavement. Maintaining an even blood sugar level is very important if you want to keep energy levels consistent during the day. Viral illnesses such as flu can leave you tired for weeks afterward. Sometimes, persistent fatigue is due to an underlying condition such as anemia or a thyroid problem. It is important to identify the cause of fatigue, and rule out any potentially serious condition.
Fatigue Symptoms
- Feeling tired.
- Poor concentration.
Home Remedies for Fatigue
- Orange: Drink a cup of fresh orange juice with a pinch of rock salt. Orange is a excellent source of Vitamin C that helps the immune system and nourishes the adrenal gland, which is responsible for secreting the hormones that affect well being.
- Dates: Soak 5 fresh dates in a glass of water overnight. Next morning, liquefy in a blender and drink. Dates are a good source of various vitamins and minerals such as iron, potassium, calcium and magnesium which helps to revitalize body and correct hormonal imbalances that results in fatigue.
- Mango: Eat one ripe mango daily, and after an hour drink 1 cup warm milk with a teaspoon of ghee added. Mangoes contain B-complex vitamins, folic acid, selenium, zinc, magnesium, and potassium, all of which are proven stress killers. Also, the vitamins and minerals found in mangoes help ease nervous tension and depression.
- Juice: If the fatigue is due to anemia, take pomegranate juice, grape juice, beet juice or carrot juice.
- Honey & cinnamon: Take half tablespoon of honey in a glass of water sprinkled with cinnamon powder twice a day for about a week. They provide a powerful boost in energy levels, physical, and mental alertness.
- Withania somnifera (Ashwaganda): Drink a decoction made by boiling 1 tablespoon of dried root per cup of water. Studies shows ashwaganda has anti-inflammatory, adaptogenic, and immune booster. Ashwagandha can help alleviate the fatigue symptoms and support an energetic and rejuvenating sense of wellbeing.
- Ginseng: Take 500mg to 1 gm of ginseng twice a day. It is used to improve symptoms of chronic fatigue, weakness, and debility.
Do’s for Fatigue
- Identify stress triggers and learn to manage them. Work to address the mental and emotional components of fatigue.
- Include fresh vegetables, fruit, cereals, whole-grain products, and brown rice in your diet.
- Eat small regular meals that include some protein which will help to keep blood sugar levels stable.
- Drink 2-3 freshly squeezed green vegetable juices and at least eight glasses of water a day.
- Take probiotics such as yogurt which helps to improve digestion and reestablish a healthy balance in the intestines.
- Try to spend time each day in fresh air.
- Exercise regularly, particularly if having a sedentary job. Most fatigue patients do not have energy to exercise, are not motivated or feel tired after exercising, so select the exercises that is suitable for you. If you feel more tired, do not push too hard.
- Try some deep breathing and muscle relaxation exercises. Stress reduction techniques such as meditation is highly recommended.
- Take a nap if you are sleepy during the day. An ideal nap lasts about 10-15 minutes.
- Get better sleep at night, as this can often improve sluggish tired feelings.
Don’ts for Fatigue
- Never miss breakfast.
- Avoid caffeine, alcohol and nicotine.
- Avoid fatty foods, salty, and sugary products.
- Avoid processed foods to optimize energy.
- Avoid cold and iced drinks, especially during or after meals.
- Avoid stress by practicing meditation and deep breathing exercises.
See Doctor
- Fatigue is persistent and sleep doesn’t help.
- Often feel tired without any apparent reason.
Fatigue FAQ
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